Special Interest Groups
The Special Interest Groups (SIG's) are formed of members with a particular interest in a specific genre. These sub-groups meet outside of the regular club meetings and develop their own programme and agenda as agreed within the SIG's. Meetings are usually a mix of Zoom and in-person and occasionally include field trips. Members are welcome to join as many or as few as they like. The groups run for as long as there is significant interest.
SIG meetings are included in the club Calendar (SIG leads please keep Geoff Martin advised of updates/changes to the programme).
Current SIG's
Nature: Contact Geoff Martin. Meets around every 6 weeks during the club season, usually on a Monday
evening by Zoom and includes occasional outings and guest speakers
Landscape: Contact Eddie Hyde. Meets around every 6 weeks during the club season, usually on a Monday
evening by Zoom and includes occasional outings and guest speakers
FUNdamentals: Contact Richard Lamb. Meets around 1/month at Denbies Cafe and is aimed at anybody wanting to learn more about their cameras and general photography techniques and tips.
Wings and Wheels: Currently inactive but if anyone is willing to pick this up please let Geoff Martin or a member of the committee know.